JOIN US! The annual subscription is only £6.50!!
Membership is open to allotment plot-holders and leisure gardeners living in the Bath & North East Somerset area.
To join us or renew your membership follow the link below to our membership website where you will find full information on how to update your details and pay. You can pay by card, internet banking, standing order or cheque. Our bank account is with the Co-operative Bank:
Account Name: B&NES Allotments Association
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65402452
If you pay by internet banking please make sure you put your surname, abbreviated site and plot number as a reference so we can identify the payment.
Click here to join or renew your membership
For enquiries about membership, please email
The Association’s Objectives are:
- To promote the establishment and use of land in the Bath & North East Somerset area as allotments and to conduct negotiations with the local authority and private landowners to that end
- To promote the gardening interests of members and take action to protect members against damage, nuisance, trespass and theft
- To obtain a supply of seeds, fertilisers, goods and other horticultural equipment and sundries on behalf of members at as competitive a price as possible
- To encourage members to garden in whatever way they choose so long as they do not disrupt other plot holders on their site
- To co-operate with other gardening associations in matters of mutual interest
- To promote the health and activity benefits of allotment gardening
- To promote knowledge of wildlife and to enhance appropriate biodiversity.
Benefits of membership include:
- being part of an organisation that can act as a voice for allotment holders and can liaise with the council when problems arise;
- opportunities to meet with other allotment holders to swap ideas and advice;
- newsletters to keep you up-to-date;
- discounted gardening products at Prior Park Garden Centre and at Gardenalia;
- public liability insurance;
- membership-only discount seed and potato catalogues (organised via the Trading Hut);
- invitations to allotment-related events;
- group membership of the RHS and access to discounted entry to RHS gardens .
Members are welcome to attend our committee meetings and are encouraged to attend the AGM, which is usually held in November.
The Association’s Priorities this year
Climate projections for the UK indicate that over the next 20 years winters will become warmer and wetter and the summers hotter and drier. Most allotment holders and gardeners are already experiencing the challenge of coping with dry Spring weather. For this reason the Association has decided to make water conservation and capture a key theme for 2023. We will be working with our members and partner organisations to come up with some innovative ways to improve water efficiency and reduce reliance on mains water for growing as a priority for this year.
Read our Constitution in full by clicking on the link below.
B&NES Allotment Association Constitution
Privacy Statement
Data protection legislation (the “GDPR”) came into force in 2018. This required us to be clear about what data we hold on members and to set out members’ rights to see, amend and delete data. Please read our privacy statement here.