Alternatives to Chemical Pesticides


A number of sites are providing donations to CropDrop again this year. If you want to find out more about this organisation follow this link.

Our Partners

We are members of Bath Area Growers, a network of community gardening groups growing fruit and vegetables in and around Bath.

We have close links with Bath Organic Group, and we run the Trading Hut jointly with them.

Our members get discounts at Prior Park Garden Centre and at Gardenalia.

Our officers and site representatives are in regular communication with B&NES Council’s Parks & Open Spaces Team, and meet with them formally four times a year. The Allotment Office deals with allotment tenancies and maintenance:
tel: 01225 396386, email allotments@bathnes.gov.uk.

Useful Documents


Association of Public Service Excellence Report on Allotments 2020

Contractors the Association has used that have done a good job


    Andy Sage, does general waste removal, soil, vegetation, wood, metal, plastics, where he can he recycles materials.
    Darroch Davidson Free large sheets of cardboard for covering ground. 
  • George Cashel Tree surgeon info@GCtrees.co.uk 07449 401 388
    Contact for a quote, will shred trees and leave the wood chip

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