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Designation as Asset of Community Value
Due in large part to the untiring efforts of those involved in the “Save Combe Down Allotments” campaign, the site has now been designated as an Asset of Community Value. This means that if the owner of the allotment land decides to sell, there is an interim moratorium period of six weeks in which they cannot sell the property. This is to allow time for any community interest group to request to be treated as a potential bidder for the asset.
If a community interest group makes a request during this interim period then a full six-month moratorium will operate. During this period the owner may continue to market and negate sale but may not enter into a biding contract (unless it is with the community interest group).
While this is a very positive step forward , it is no guarantee that plot holders are no longer under threat of eviction. The ‘Save Combe Down Allotments’ Committee in conjunction with bath Allotments Association will keep pushing forward with their campaign to save this allotments site.
The Background to the Threat
By an accident of history, the large allotment site at Combe Down has been held in leasehold since 1895. The site, along with the adjacent quarry and the Monkton School playing fields, is owned by a distant relative of the original landowner, who is not a resident of Bath. The site was originally procured by the Monkton Combe Parish Council to serve the workers in the Bath stone mines but, following city boundary changes in 1967, became the responsibility of Bath City Council. The Council has held rolling leases since that time. Unfortunately the owner of the land has recently given advance notice of his intention to end the lease in 2025. Our Association is working hard to try and protect this allotment site. A public meeting is being organised and our officers have arranged meetings with local Councillors and Cabinet members. Do contact us if you can help to mobilise community support for the retention of the 64 plots on this site. You can find a copy of our first bulletin/ briefing note here.
Local Green Space and Minerals Policies relating to Combe Down Allotments.
You can view the policy document here
You can access the template for making an online response here
You can access the template for making a postal response here
Take a look at drone footage of Combe Down Allotments
Access the video here
Petition Update – the petition is ongoing but a cut with 5,325 signatures (online and paper) was taken on 19th February and submitted to the Landowner.
Combe Down site as an Asset of Community Value
The ‘Save Combe Down Allotments’ action group is exploring the possibility of designating the Combe Down site as an asset of community value. If you have any expertise in this area, please get in touch.
Asset of community value

News reports here
Listen to our recent radio interview with BBC Bristol explaining the issues by clicking on link below and scrolling through to 52 mins 15 secs to get to the interview or read the written summary below.
Interview on BBC Radio Bristol