Details of the Trading Hut’s constitution can be found below

Open every 2 weeks from January 18th for seed collection, also having sorted your seeds bring along all the packets you no longer want and swap, you just might find a gem.

Dates for your diaries and if you’d like to volunteer for a Saturday we’d love hear from you. Many people think it’s a great service, so please come and share a 2 hour morning with us, the customers and staff are lovely. Most people enjoy playing shop and helping others.

1st February Erica Draisey Chris Walters  Laurie Elvis
15th February Patrick Self  Diana Barlow Pam Foley Potato delivery??
Laurie Elvis
1st March Anne Love  Sarah McMahon  Patrick Self Laurie Elvis
15th March Erica Draisey  Diana Barlow  Chris Walters Laurie Elvis
29th March Steve Farmer Lucy Farmer   Laurie Elvis
12th April Patrick Self   
26th April Steve Farmer Lucy Farmer Diana Barlow Laurie Elvis
10th May Julia Cleveland Janet Armstrong   Laurie Elvis
24th May    
7th June    Laurie Elvis
21st June  Paul Cook  Laurie Elvis
5th July  Paul Cook   Laurie Elvis
19th July Erica Draisey Chris Walters  Laurie Elvis
2nd August    
16th August Erica Draisey Diana Barlow  Chris Walters 
Bank HolidayBank Holiday week Closed

Opening times 10-12. Card Only please NO CASH
Pre orders if you need ground cover cutting

Latest Trading Hut Price List
click on the link above to download the latest price list

Trading Hut bank details
The Trading Hut

Entrance on the Upper Bristol Road, opposite the Hop Pole Inn the nearest Post Code is BA1 3AR next to the play area. Gateway marked by white stone pillars. There is not much space next to the Trading Hut, Parking Options
P1 Victoria Park you must collect a ticket but it’s free for 1 hour just press the green button and a free ticket is issued.
P2 park in the centre of Lower Common East Allotments, entrance on Marlborough Lane.
Parking ‘maybe’ available in the old Argos Car Park, there is no notice or camera checking that it was customers only but it’s very busy on Saturday morning.

The Trading Hut is run by Annie (Sales) and Charlie (Ordering) and a host of lovely volunteers, particularly Erica, Patrick and Diana. If you’d like to volunteer to help “selling”play shop” in the trading hut or have some suggestions of what else we should stock, please contact the Trading Hut at the email address below

2023 Trading Hut Rota

How to open the Trading Hut and Use the Card Reader

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