You can find details of the successful bid by clicking on the link below. Please get in touch by emailing if you would like to be involved.

Water Capture Initiatives

ln the first phase of the project water butts at a highly discounted price were offered on selected sites – namely: Bloomfield Road, Claremont, Fairfield Park, King George’s Road, Lyncombe Hill Farm, Lyncombe Vale, Mendip Gardens, Monksdale, King Georges Road.

The take up of the offer was good and the offer has now been extended to all members. We are waiting for the next shipment from the suppliers and will let you know as soon as they come in. For more information email

Installing a Water Butt

Have a look at this YouTube video for straightforward guidance on installing a water butt.

Installing a Water Butt

Wildlife Initiatives

Missed our recent Zoom talk on Wildlife, Water and Wellbeing by Dorothea Orme?

Catch up here?

Members from the Bloomfield, Moorfield and St George’s Road sites attended a recent workshop

Thinking about building a pond to encourage wild like ? Find some tips here. Or try your hand at a Hibernaculum

Regenerative Growing Initiatives

We are looking for a small number of members who would like to trial the use of regenerative growing practices on their plots. Participants in the project will receive advice from our local experts customised to their plot and the Association will fund any relevant soil or water testing. If you are interested in moving to a more nature friendly way of growing, contact us at

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