Welcome to the Bath & North East Somerset Allotments Association

We are an independent organisation that supports allotment holders and leisure gardeners in the area. Our Trading Hut offers horticultural supplies to members at discount prices. It only costs £6.50 annually to be a member. To join, renew your membership or find out more, please visit our Membership page.

Read our latest newsletter here

Successful Bid

Last year the Association applied for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for the Water my Plot Project and the first year funding was approved. A massive thanks to Jacky Wilkinson and everyone that contributed to the application which can be found here.  Our launch event was held on 3rd June 2024 and key initiatives are underway. Have a look at our ‘Water my Plot’ page for further details. Please get in touch if you are interested in getting involved.

Trading Hut Open

The Trading Hut is next open 22nd June 2024 and fortnightly thereafter.

Threat to Combe Down Allotments Site

Take a look at our Save Combe Down Allotments page and read our most recent bulletin to understand the issues. Please help us protect these Allotments by showing your support for designating them as “Green Space” in B&NES Council’s local plan. If you go to our Save Combe Down Allotments page, you will find details of how you can help to do this.


Have a look at our Events page for future events. Also take a look at our Links page for useful information on creating wildlife friendly plots and avoiding chemical pesticides.

Tips and Advice

Click here for Detailed weekly advice from Charles Dowding, current and past newsletters


For full details go to our Events and Diary page

Brief Summary of Key Rules

A summary of key rules that allotment holders need to follow can be found on the ‘Allotment Rules‘ page.

Get in touch

General Enquiries

For Planning Issues

For ideas or contributions for our newsletter

For Membership Enquiries