The B&NES Allotments Association can provide small amounts of financial support to members who wish to make improvements to their sites.

Details of the types of projects that qualify and the application process can be found below:


Last year the Association applied for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for the Water my Plot Project and we have been advised that the first year funding is approved (awaiting final written confirmation). This is really good news, massive thanks to Jacky Wilkinson and everyone that contributed to the application which can be found here

We now need to move quickly into planning and executing the Water my Plot Project alongside other Association and Council objectives. 

The first step is to draw up a Partnership / Management Plan that is jointly owned and managed by the Council and the Association and covers all activities. This will detail the objectives, related activities, required resources and funding, ownership and review dates and we would like you to have the opportunity to provide your input to the document and to then help take forwards the agreed activities. An outline of the document with some initial thoughts can be found here.

A meeting to take this forwards will be held on Tuesday February 13th, BRLSI, Duncan Room, 6.30pm – 8.30pm. 

Please let me know if you are intending to attend as space is limited (approx 30); also if you are not able to attend but have any comments or would like to get involved please email me ( and Erica (

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